The LP5280 series is a highly integrated circuit, it used to protect low voltage system from abnormal high input voltage. The IC continuously checks the input voltage. When the protection status is occur, the power MOS will turn off at the same time. The LP5280 series is safety devices to ensure worked against accidents.In case of the OVLO pin voltage exceeds an Over-Voltage Protection (OVP) threshold voltage level, the internal power MOS will turn off within 1μs.Input voltage OVP threshold could be used to set by external resistors divider. Also, LP5280 has an input 6.8V-OVP, LP5280A was 5.95V-OVP, LP5280B was 10.5V-OVP, and LP5280C was 14V-OVP, which could be select by connecting OVLO pin to ground. Other features include over temperature protection and under-voltage lockout (UVLO). The LP5280series is available in a space saving WLCSP 12-ball (0.4mm pitch) package.