The LP5306 is a highly integrated circuits, it used to protect low voltage system from abnormal high input voltage. The IC continuously check the input voltage, the input current, and the battery voltage. When the protection status is occur, the power MOS will turn off at the same time. The LP5306 is safety devices to ensure worked against accidents. In case of the input voltage exceeds a OVP threshold voltage level, the power MOS will turn off within 1μs. The current limit can is adjustable by external resistor between ISET and GND. And the current is also limited to prevent charging the battery with an excessive current. The LP5306 also monitors the Li-ion battery voltage, when the battery voltage exceeds 4.35V, the IC will turn off the MOS. Other features include over temperature protection and under-voltage lockout (UVLO). The LP5306 is available in a space saving DFN-8 package.
High accuracy current protection,Fault signal output,Battery OVP
◆Withstand High Input Voltage Up to 26V ◆Adjustable Over Current Protection ◆Input Over Voltage Protection ◆Battery Over Voltage Protection ◆High Accuracy Protection Thresholds ◆Fault Signal Output ◆Enable Control ◆Under Voltage Lockout ◆Output Short-Circuit Protection ◆Over-Temperature Protection ◆Available in DFN-8 ◆RoHS Compliant and Halogen Free