The LP40300 is a standalone 1-cell swilching baltery charger providing up to 3.5A charge current lo the battery from 4.1v lo 6.2V input voltage. The charge current is programmable by a resistor connected from ISET to GND and the charge voltage is programmable by a resislor connected from VSET to GND. The charge can be enabled and disabled from ISET pin. The LP40300 operates at 1.2MHz switching frequency allowing a small-size 1uHinductor for 3.5A fast charging. The current patent-protectedinlegrated sensing technique eliminales exlemal sensing resislor allowing very high charge efficiency, low BOM cost and small footprint. The precharge, fasicharge and termination current accuracy is competitive compared external-resistor-bas ed curent sensing architecture. LP40300 is available in QFN3x3-16 package.